Are You Wasting Your Time With Online Dating?
Most people are… in theory, at least. In practice, however, we have these tendencies to expend a lot of our time and energy on aspects of dating which don’t bring an equivalent level of return for your investment. They’re time sinks that slow you down and cause you no end of stress, anxiety and worry and it only makes dating harder.
This is especially true when it comes to online dating. In fact, you’re more prone to wasting your time with online dating than you are trying to meet women by making a cold approach at a bar or making small-talk with the cute librarian you ran into at Starbucks.
Y’see, online dating can seem perfect for folks, especially people who have a touch of approach anxiety or hate the bar and club scene but don’t necessarily want to try hitting up strangers at Barnes and Noble. Why do all of that when you can meet women without leaving your house? Flirt to your heart’s content without even bothering to get dressed!
Unfortunately, as easy as online dating can be, it’s even easier to end up wasting time when you don’t have to. So you want to make sure that you’re not making these incredibly common mistakes.
You’re Using Winks, Flirts, Nudges, Pokes, etc.
Almost every online dating site out there has some form of a low-stakes “hey, so and so wants you to talk to them” notification – often given a cutsey name like “wink” or “flirt” or “send a flower” to make it seem more acceptable. And frankly, it’s more than a little lazy.
Most dating sites let you set up a profile for free but require that you pay money in order to be able to message people. Some, back in the early days of online dating (lo those dark days of the late 90s and early 00s), were especially evil and would sell a limited number of messages; if you sent out a message and didn’t hear back, well, tough shit Charlie, you just blew a buck (or whatever the per-unit cost was).Read More »Are You Wasting Your Time With Online Dating?